We're Looking for Presenters
- We want to hear you! Please review the speaking opportunities below and complete the form (s) as you wish. Your audience is mainly Campus Fire Safety Officials, Community Fire Departments and some Industry Members. Our Speaker Committee will review your application and let you know.
- Our Presentations are open to the public and free to members. Non-Members may pay a nominal fee for most Webinar Wednesday events, but not for Campus Coffee Breaks.
- Presentations lasting for up to one hour will include ICC Recertification CEU's. Campus Coffee Breaks will not.
For questions, please contact: [email protected]
Presentation Type |
Need to Know Info |
Complete Form |

Webinar Wednesdays
Presentation must be 55-60 minutes (includes time for Q&A). Presentation must be of an educational nature and technology specific, not product. See MORE INFO and choose a Wednesday that works for you. Times can vary. Allow at least 30-45 days for us to submit to ICC for CEU's and to promote your webinar. We will need your logo, and head shot immediately after approval. No Cost to present.

Campus Coffee Break
Presentation is 15 minutes, and must be at 11AM EST. Presentation should be product or service specific. See MORE INFO and choose a Wednesday that works for you. Allow at least 30-45 days for us to promote your webinar. We will need your logo, and head shot immediately after approval. If easier, we can pre-record your Coffee Break.
IMPORTANT: See price restrictions under MORE INFO (bottom of page)
For Coffee Break Presentations during our Virtual Forums CLICK HERE

Knowledge Bytes
knowledge Byte Webinars are free to all ... but please note CEU exceptions below.
- Knowledge Byte Webinars are 30-minute sessions.
- Like our Campus Coffee Break series, Knowledge Bytes can be both Product/Service specific and/or Educational in nature.
- Knowledge Bytes are webinar presentations that are submitted to ICC for recertification CEU's.
- Knowledge Bytes are on Tuesdays @ 1PM EDT

Campus Fire Forum
Campus Fire Forum occurs in the Fall annually. Presentations Slots go Quickly!!!!!!!!!
Educational Presentation: Presentation must be 55-60 minutes, no less. (includes time for Q&A). Presentation must be of an educational nature and technology specific, not product. Attendees will receive ICC CEU's if attending the entire presentation. We will need your logo, and head shot immediately after approval. No Cost to present.